I've been trying to do more straight from camera work. Sometimes I'm so tired of editing, and sometimes I enjoy it. Lately I haven't enjoyed it as much, but that gives me even more of a reason to get it right the first time. ;)
The things in these photos are tiny parts of summer. The ivy climbing up our bedroom window, shells from our beach adventures, plants that we've grown, unfinished artwork, and all of the little things collected for my "bird's nest" as Zack calls it. "My little magpie" is now my very fitting nickname.
I start a job at Starbucks on August 1st. I'm excited and nervous. It will be early morning shifts, so we're working on rearranging our late night schedules. And 5:30am early.
I am a happy lady. Life is good, and for the first time in my life, I can say that and mean it.
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